Select Your Key Policies and Procedures Template


In addition to being the law and therefore essential to keep the organisation legally compliant, having an employment contract for employees is a really good idea. In the first instance it brings clarity and balance to the relationship and when written properly is a valuable and valued document.

All contracts of employment are required to include specified elements, including; Terms of Employment, Probationary Period, Attendance policy and procedure, Termination and should outline the key contractual policies and procedures. Find all the employment compliance paperwork you’ll ever need in one convenient place. Sunflower HR’s templates allow you to create the employment contracts you need for your employees.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there different type of contracts and not just one?

There are many different and legal ways for employees to be engaged in organisations and in some cases this requires specific clauses to allow for and protect the employee and the organisation when engaged in this type of employment.

For example, a Fixed Term or Specified Purpose Contract must allow the employer to terminate the contract at the end of the fixed period or specified purpose without becoming exposed to the possibility of a claim of unfair dismissal.

I am not sure which contract type to select, any advice?

  • The Full Time Permanent Salary Template  is best suited for an employee on fixed weekly or monthly earnings.
  • The Full Time Permanent Hourly Paid Template is best suited for an employee on variable weekly or monthly earnings and who will be paid for all hours worked, including overtime.
  • The Fixed Term Full Time Salary Template is best suited for an employee taken on full time for a finite period of time and the contract will then terminate. Their weekly or monthly earnings are fixed.
  • The Specified Purpose Full Time Salary Template is similar to the Fixed Term Contract but the duration of time involved is linked to a specific need (e.g. absence due to illness or maternity) and it is difficult to be accurate in specifying the time involved. Their weekly or monthly earnings are fixed.
  • The Seasonal Hourly Paid Template is for an employee whose work is casual in nature and you will only offer them work when work is available. The employee is only paid when they work and they have the right to refuse work if it doesn’t suit them when offered.

If none of these descriptions suit your needs then please give us a call and we can advise on which ones is best suited for your needs.

What do I do with existing employees who were never given a contract of employment?

It is never to late to resolve this issue. In fact, in issuing the contract you immediately limit the Company’s exposure to a successful complaint by the employee or prosecution by the State for not meeting your legal requirements as their employer.

What exactly is included?

You will receive a contract template in a MS Word Template for whichever type of employment contract you select.

Each template documents meet the minimum compliance requirements and can be tailored to suit your business and will also cater for most business requirements.

How do I use it?

The MS Word template guides you in a number of useful ways to help you prepare a contract of employment to suit your organisation.

  1. The normal/regular elements of the contract that will change to suit the person and the role (e.g. name, address, job title, etc..) are highlighted in YELLOW and as you complete the document for the person you just amend the document as required.
  2. Where there are elements of the contract that may be optional (e.g. probation period for long serving employees or other clauses) these are highlighted in RED.
  3. Throughout the document there are many other explanatory comments or guidance (e.g. pension and retirement) to help guide the completion of the employment contract.

Will this contract suit my company?

The template documents meet the minimum compliance requirements and can also be tailored to suit your business. It will cater for most business requirements but is general is nature and may not suit specific industry (e.g. IT) or regulatory requirements (e.g. health care).

Is it available in my country?

These employment contract templates are prepared specifically for companies based in the Republic of Ireland only and may not suit other legal jurisdictions.

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Key Policies and Procedures

Dignity & Respect at Work, Discipline, Grievance

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